

Robot Applications


Learning Goal: Student will demonstrate an understanding of robotics, its history, applications and evolution

Daily Objective:Understand how robots are used in the real world.



In groups of two or three, you will create a lesson to teach the class about robots in different industries.

You will pick a number from a bag - this will tell you the order in which your team will pick one of the industries.

You may use the links on the pages below, or you may use Google or DuckDuckGo to find other information.

The 10 - 15 minute lesson should cover:

  • How the work was done before robots were used
  • individual descriptions of at least four robots used in that industry
  • whether the robots are autonomous or teleoperated, with an explanation of these terms
  • advantages of using robots in that industry
  • disadvantages of using robots in that industry
  • The class should be involved in the lesson in some way during the lesson
  • a 5 question quiz should be turned in for the class to complete

The possible industries are:

Disaster Recovery
Food Service



You will give the lesson to the class. The class (and you) will take the quiz questions when everyone has presented.

Remember - you don't have to do a power point or a web page! You must do something to engage the class.

You can do a Kahoot, or a Padlet, or a Quiz-buster, or anything else appropriate.

The quiz questions will be turned in on a document in your Google Drive.
Open your Google Drive. Create a folder (in your Google Drive) called AI Assignments.
Go to 'Shared with me', find the document called 'Applications Quiz' and drag it into your AI Assignments folder.
This document will be common to your team - you will all be able to write on it at once.

Your grade will be based on this rubric:


The quiz questions will be due on Wednesday 1/24/18. You will present the lessons on Wednesday 1/24/18 and Friday 1/26/18.

This gives you two block periods and one Monday class to do the work and practice presenting.