

If you missed a day, this is where you go to catch up

Go at your own pace, but check each assignment with me before you go on to the next one.

  LEGO Robotics lessons ::


Learning Goal: Understand how to write a program to control a robot, using loops, conditionals and subroutines where appropriate.



Light sensor

Add a light sensor to the front of your robot.

instructions for adding the light sensor to your robot.

Watch this lesson.

Part 1:

Program your robot to move forward until it sees a black line, then stop.

Save to your personal folder as stopyourname. Make sure it is annotated.

Copy a snip of the program into Assignment 1 in your google drive.


Part 2:

Program your robot to follow the black oval.

Watch this lesson to find out how to do it.

Save to your personal folder as followyourname. Make sure it is annotated.

Copy a snip of the program into Assignment 1 in your google drive.