
Weeks 3 and 4

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  ROBOTICS  ::  
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animated welcomeWeeks 3 and 4..

Friday 1/31

opening Opening Activity:

Do the word 'autonomous' in the Vocab folder in your Google Drive.


Continue to work on the programming lessons. You should be working on Assignment 3 -
Moving On. It is a worksheet in Google drive.

due dates

flag Closing activity:

Save your work, put the robots away, turn borrowed headphones in.

Log off and come to the front.



Wednesday 1/29

opening Opening Activity:

NASA is sending a robot to look for water on the moon.



Continue to work on the programming lessons. Assignment 2 LED is due today.
You must show it to me and turn the program in.

due dates

flag Closing activity:

Save your work, put the robots away, turn borrowed headphones in.

Log off and come to the front. I will show you how to do Vocab words from now on.



Monday 1/27

opening Opening Activity:

Look at Yumi the Lab Robot Nurse.



Come to the front for Monday Meeting,

Start work on the programming lessons. The Robot Description paragraph is due today.
You don't need to show that one to me.

due dates

flag Closing activity:

Save your work, put the robots away, turn borrowed headphones in.

Log off and come to the front.



Wednesday 1/22

opening Opening Activity:

Some robots from CES 2020(Computer Electronics Show)



You should have finished and turned in the Blue Project part of the project.

The Yellow project is due today.

We will confirm the seating for the programming lessons.

closing Closing activity:

Open the Scale for Robotics Applications, and read it carefully. Decide what number applies to you.

Open the Scale Chart for Robotics Applications, in your Google Drive. Add today's date, then pull a 
Happy Face down to the number you chose. Remove highlights on the information that you have learned, in the table above.


Monday 1/20

No School

Martin Luther King Day
