

Learn to program

  GearsBot assignments ::




Assignment 11: Line after Line

You must program your robot to stop at the first line it sees, then go on to stop at the second line. Use a variable.


football practice

lesson10 pic 2

lesson10 pic 3

This is not as simple as it seems. Make a flow chart similar to this:

Move forward

Do I see black?

If yes, stop and say 'Black', if no, loop back to 'Move'

Continue with the flow chart - you could use a conditional inside a conditional, or you could use an easier do-around

Watch the lesson video:

Save the Line after line picture to your computer, and upload it to the simulation.

Assignment 11:

Write the program to make the robot move forward to the first line using the sensor, and say 'Black',
then move on to the second line, say 'Black' and stop.

Save it to a folder on your computer as lineyourname.

To turn it in, look at the instructions below or watch this video:

  • Go to Google Drive
  • Open the Class Program folder in 'Shared with me'
  • Open your class folder and assignment folder
  • Click on the "New" button on the top left
  • Upload the program from your computer


Write a Reflection on what you have learned.




Write a Reflection on what you have learned.