

Learning Goal: Student will be able to build a sturdy robot, and program it to accomplish specific tasks

  LEGO Final Project ::





You will work in a team of three. Each group chooses a foreman, a secretary, and a materials manager.


  • The foreman is the leader, keeping the group on task and focused.
  • The secretary makes sure that all the necessary documents are turned in.
  • The materials manager finds any extra bits and pieces necessary
    to complete a build, and makes sure that all pieces are picked up and put away at the end of the period.

The Assignment:

You will design and build a carnival ride, that is controlled by the robot brick with a program that
makes the ride work like a real ride.

You may not build directly from a design on the internet, though you should do research to get
ideas for your design.  The robot must use at least one sensor, and must perform
autonomously. It should play carnival-type music as it runs.

You may decorate the ride with colored paper or other materials.

Carnival Ride Requirements
It should look and work like a carnival ride. It should be programmed to move in some way, using the EV3 motors. The program should use at least one sensor to control the ride in some way.
The ride should work autonomously. The robot should play appropriate music as the ride runs. The ride should be decorated so that it looks like a carnival ride, with LEGO pieces, colored paper or other suitable materials.
The movement should not be based on a single unsupported axle through a motor turning a carousel or wheel.(If you insist on a single axle sticking up, try to use gears to transfer the movement.) The speed and direction of the ride should vary. The charging port should be easily accessible.


Use these links (or any others you can find) for Research and ideas (don't copy anything exactly!!):

This is a good project in many ways, but notice that it's not very stable, and the axle is bearing a lot of weight
because everything is hanging on a single axle.

A completely different kind of ride.

A circular construction - it's not finished, but you can see how it works.

Very Simple, again with the dreaded axle only.

An interesting version of the Swings.

Not a carnival ride, but you might get some ideas from it.

Going Uuup!

Another different type of ride

A jump ride

The planes :)

Once your team has decided on which task to do, go to your Google Drive, and drag the 
Final Project Planning document from 'Shared with me' to your LEGO folder.

Your team will all be working on the SAME document.

You may not touch your robot tub or robot until you have completed the planning document.

This is what you need to have in the planning document:

  1. A paragraph describing your choice of carnival ride, and the reasons you chose it.
  2. Do some research about robot design for this project. Give the URL and bullet points of
    important information from at least three of the links above, or other links that you found.
  3. Describe or draw the robot design.
  4. Write an algorithm that you will use to develop your program. This is a set of step by step instructions like
  • carousel turns to the right at a power of 50 for 2 seconds
  • carousel slows down to a power of 30 for 2 seconds


While you are designing and building the Carnival Ride, read the rubric (see below) over and over again to make 
sure that you include all the requirements.

Your program must be turned in and annotated.

Turn it in to Shared - Student - Pereira - LEGO - Class color - Final Project Program as programyournames

Afterwards you will be asked to describe the problems you experienced and how you solved them

