if then


Adventure Into Legend

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  LEGO Robotics lessons ::






Lesson on Conditional Statements (If - Then) == Spanish Lesson

Learning Goal: Student will understand how to write programs to control a robot

Daily Objectives: - student will understand how to use a conditional statement




Assignment 6: Make the robot make different noises when different buttons are pressed.
Save it to OneDrive as ConditionalYourName.

Hit Points:

Robot makes noise when button is pressed
Robot makes different noises for at least two buttons
Program must use an if- then block.
'Trick' must be completed before the door opens (must be on time)


To turn it in

  • Go to Google Drive:
  • Open the Class Assignments LEGO folder in 'Shared with me'
  • Open your class folder and assignment folder
  • Click on the "New" button on the top left
  • Upload the program from your computer as ConditionalYourname.

Reflect on what you learned in this assignment.