

Engineering Design Process Project


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  ROBOTICS  ::  
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You / your team must choose ONE of the following topics.

You are graded on the EDP Worksheet, not on the product!

Learning goal:Understand how to use the Engineering Design Process

You may work on your own, or with ONE other person. Each person
should fill in their own EDP Worksheet. You will find your EDP worksheet
in your Google Drive, in 'Shared with me'. Drag it into your Drive.

Fill in the EDP worksheet as you work through your problem, individually, as you finish each step of the Engineering Design Process.
Do NOT leave the whole document until the end of the project.

Option 1

Build a LEGO car that is powered by an elastic band, and that can
move straight forward for at least a meter. The faster it can go, the
better, but all its wheels must stay on the ground the whole time.


  • It is powered by an elastic band
  • I must move straight forward for at least a meter
  • it should go fast


  • You must use LEGO pieces from your tub. You may ask me for additional pieces
  • The wheels must stay on the ground the whole time
  • Design time - you have a due date

----------------------------- OR ---------------------------------


Option 2

Design and build a spatula to be long and strong.

There are a number of people out there who are in wheelchairs and cannot easily cook at their stove.
One of their biggest challenges is being able to reach their back burners with a spatula. Today your job
is to design and build a spatula that is long enough to reach these back burners. You will be building
the prototypes with the LEGO kit if you are F2F or with any recycled items from home of you are SC.


  • The spatula should extend at least 6 inches beyond the edge of the testing platform
  • It should hold at least 250 g ( about the weight of 12 AA batteries or a cup of water)
  • In class, you will have a paper cup to put on the platform to hold the weight



  • You must use LEGO pieces from your tub. You may ask me for additional pieces
  • Design time - you have a due date

  • spatula

----------------------------- OR ---------------------------------

Option 3

Design and construct a sturdy wheel-chair for Mr Bear (a floppy stuffed animal).

The chair must be able to support Mr Bear from falling out of the chair in any direction. i.e backwards, forwards, to the left and to the right.

The safety of Mr Bear is in your hands!

Sturdiness is critical when building any type of structure; otherwise the structure will fail. Sturdiness is determined by the amount of force that can be applied before the structure fails. To make a sturdy structure, students will need to :

• Overlap beams
• Use connector pegs
• Use sturdy shapes (triangles, braced squares, etc)


  • It has to be a wheelchair (must be able to wheel him)
  • It must put him at a high level so that he is face to face with his friends
  • It must balance on a slope
  • It must have a neck brace
  • It must not break when dropped from knee height or is flicked with a finger.


  • You must use LEGO from your robot tub. You may ask me for other pieces.
  • Design time - you have a due date

You will build this with LEGO from a tub. It should NOT look like the example below.

bear chair