Learn to program

  Finch assignments ::



Learning Goal: Student will be able to write a program that controls the robot
Daily objective: Student will understand the use of Python as a calculator.

You can do math using Python. The symbols that you use are sometimes a little different.

Watch this short Python math tutorial. It does the math in a Jupyter notebook, and you will
use IDLE but otherwise it's the same. [Alternate link] [YT]

Look through this explanation of Python as a calculator, then do the following problems
in IDLE.

Just for once, you will do this assignment in the Shell!!

Do the following problems in the Shell using Python.

Use the Snipping Tool to get screenshots, and paste them into a properly
headed Word document.

Questions 1:

2 times 3

5 plus 7

12 divided by 6

12 divided by 5

12.0 divided by 6

12.0 divided by 5

3 squared

4 to the third power

7 to the tenth power


Question 2: (add to the word doc under the snip)

Explain what Python means by 'integer'.

Explain what Python means by 'floating point number'.

Save it to your computer as calculatoryourname.

To turn it in

  • Open the Class Assignments AI folder in your Google drive
  • Open your class folder and assignment folder
  • Click on the "New" button on the top left
  • Upload the program from your computer .



Write a Reflection on what you have learned.