Learn to program

  Finch assignments ::





Learning Goal: Student will be able to write a program that controls the robot
Daily objective: Student will understand Python Variables and Types.

Lesson 5 - Python Variables and Types.......python variable

Python terms can be strings or different types of number.

1). Watch this video about strings. [Alternate link] {YT}

2) Read this material about variables

3). Watch this video with today's lesson. [Alternate link] [YT]


PART 1: Answer these questions (click on the link)


Assignment 5 part 2:

Write a program in a separate module that asks your name, and asks you to input a number.
The program should calculate the square of the number you put in, and print out:

...............My name is yourname

...............The answer is input number squared

Save the program to your computer as part2yourname.

To turn it in

  • Open the Class Assignments AI folder in your Google drive
  • Open your class folder and assignment folder
  • Click on the "New" button on the top left
  • Upload the program from your computer .

Assignment 5 part 3:

Write a program that asks what speed the robot should travel at, and how many seconds it should go for, and
have the robot use these inputs to move forward, then backward, using the inputs as the parameters.

Save the program to your computer as part3yourname.

To turn it in

  • Open the Class Assignments AI folder in your Google drive
  • Open your class folder and assignment folder
  • Click on the "New" button on the top left
  • Upload the program from your computer .


Write a Reflection on what you have learned.