Learn to program

  Finch assignments ::



Learning Goal: Understand how to write a program to control a robot,


Introduction - How to Start Using the Finch

Lesson 1 - LED

Lesson 2 - Moving On

Lesson 3 - Turns

Lesson 4 - Python as a Calculator

Lesson 5 - Python types

Lesson 6 - Defining Functions

Lesson 7 - Modules - Don't do this

Lesson 8 - Travel

XC - Degrees

Lesson 9 - Loops

Lesson 10 - If-Then statements

Lesson 11 - Light sensors

Lesson 12 - Obstacle detection

Lesson 13 - The accelerometer and the heat sensor.(optional)


You will now start using GearsBot, so you can learn some techniques that the Finch could not do.

Watch the video for the Move lesson and the video for the Turns lesson.Do not do the assignments again.

Lesson 14 - Line Follow - turn the program in

Lesson 15 - Stop at the line. You only need to do Assignment 12 part 2 as you have already done part 1 - and turn the program in

Lesson 16 - Line After Line. and turn the program in





If you have finished, start learning how to program the Edison.



