

If you missed a day, this is where you go to catch up

Advanced students - go at your own pace, but check each assignment with me before you go on to the next one.

  LEGO Robotics lessons ::


Learning Goal: Understand how to write a program to control a robot, using loops, conditionals and subroutines where appropriate.



Lesson 7 - Obstacle detection

Add a touch sensor to the front of your robot. Attach it to a beam, and attach the beam so that
the sensor sticks out in front of the robot.


This is the Power Point we used in class.

Introduction to the touch sensor.

Open the Obstacle 1 - Touch Sensor Worksheet in 'Shared with me' in your Google Drive.

Part 1:

Program your robot to move forward until the touch sensor is pressed, then stop.

Answer the questions on the Obstacle Touch Sensor Worksheet.


Part 2:

Add the ultrasonic sensor to your robot (skip to near the end, don't add the grippers).



Open the Obstacle 2 - Ultrasonic sensor worksheet in 'Shared with me' on your Google Drive

Program your robot to move forward, until the Ultrasonic sensor senses an obstacle 20 cm ahead.

Make sure that the program works.

Answer the rest of the questions on the worksheet.


8th graders:

Lesson 7 Part 3

Program your robot to move forward 50 cm using the ultrasonic sensor.

Turn the annotated program in to

shared - students - Pereira - LEGO - Class color - 50cm as 50cmyourname.


Reflect on what you learned in this assignment.