Lesson 5 - Color sensor
Watch this video on how the color sensor works.
Look at this to understand how to use the color sensor .
![port view](colorPortCM.PNG)
Get some colored LEGO plates from the front table, and test to see what colors your robot sees for each plate.
Assignment 7. Color:
Program the robot to move forward when a red plate is taken away from under it, and to stop when it sees blue tape.
Use an If-Then block like the one you used to follow a line. Save it as Color1Yourname.
To turn it in
- Go to Google Drive
- Open the Class Assignments LEGO folder in 'Shared with me'
- Open your class folder and assignment folder
- Click on the "New" button on the top left
- Upload the program from your computer
To turn it in
- Go to Google Drive
- Open the Class Assignments LEGO folder in 'Shared with me'
- Open your class folder and assignment folder
- Click on the "New" button on the top left
- Upload the program from your computer