

Exam Day

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  ROBOTICS  ::  
line decor




Exam day you got this!


1. Please take your Final Exam (wait for me to give you the password) - links below:

LEGO EV3 Exam................

LEGO Classroom Exam (Scratch)

2. Please take the End of Course Survey

3. Sit quietly playing games from my arcade until the whole class has finished the exam.

4. Once the whole class has finished, get your robot tubs if you haven't already sorted it.


You must undo the robots and sort the robot tubs.

Use this layout to organize your tub.(Scroll down to see the bottom of the tub.)

  • Take your robot apart, and organize the tub
  • Check the pieces
  • Turn any extra pieces into the blue, red or purple intake tubs on the tables.
  • Ask me for missing pieces - make sure that you have
  • two large motors
  • one medium motor
  • two wheels and tires
  • a light/color sensor
  • an ultrasonic sensor
  • one or two touch sensors
  • a gyro sensor

This is for a grade - I need to check the tub for you to get the grade.


Show me the tub before you put it away. This is for a grade.

You may then play arcade games or MineCraft until the end of the period.


Have a great summer!

Have a great summer

