

Learn to program

  Scribbler assignments ::




Assignment 11: Line after Line

You must program your robot to stop at the first line it sees, then go on to stop at the second line.


football practice

lesson10 pic 2

lesson10 pic 3

This is not as simple as it seems. Make a flow chart similar to this:

Move forward

Do I see black?

If yes, stop for 2 seconds, if no, loop back to 'Move'

Continue with the flow chart - you could use a conditional inside a conditional, or you could use an easier do-around


Make sure that I see it running, and

Save it to a folder on your computer as lineyourname.

To turn it in, look at the instructions below:

  • Go to Google Drive
  • Open the Class Program folder in 'Shared with me'
  • Open your class folder and assignment folder
  • Click on the "New" button on the top left
  • Upload the program from your computer



Write a Reflection on what you have learned.