Learn to program

  Scribbler assignments ::



Learning Goal: Student will write a program to control a robot

Daily objective: Student will understand the use of the Move block

Lesson 3 video - Move Block (Alternate link)

Lesson 3 Notes


Assignment 3 - Let's go!

Your robot is a car.

Program it to start from its parking space (on the table), to move forward until it reaches the Gas Pump.

Stop next to the Gas Pump.

The robot should make a noise to show that it is filling up.

You 'car' now drives on, but should stop at the crosswalk with pedestrians.
Do not damage the pedestrians.

MOve backwards away from the pedestrians..


Rubric for Assignment 1 - Let's Go!
Robot moves away from parking spot towards pump
Robot stops next to pump and makes a sound
Robot moves again past the pump and stops before it hits the pedestrians
Robot moves backwards away from the pedestrians the pedestrians
Turned in on time

Save it to a folder on OneDrive as move2yourname.

To turn it in, look at the instructions below or watch this video.

  • Go to Google Drive
  • Open the Class Assignments AI folder in 'Shared with me'
  • Open your class folder and assignment folder
  • Click on the "New" button on the top left
  • Upload the program from your computer as moveyourname


Extra credit - Open your Google Drive, and drag the 'A3 Moving on' document to your AI Robotics folder.

Complete the assignment by filling in the table according to the instructions.

Write a Reflection on what you have learned.