scribbler S3  


Learn to program

  Scribbler assignments ::



Learning Goal: Student will be able to write a program that controls the robot
Daily objective: Student will understand that subroutines can simplify a program.

Sometimes when you write a program, you need to repeat commands over and over again.

If I want to write a program to make the Scribbler lights give three short flashes,
three long flashes, then three short flashes again, it will look like this (I've shrunk it
to make it fit):


Instead of this long, confusing program, you can write short bits that can be called
again and again. This makes the program easier to write, and also easier to read.

The WHOLE POINT of using a subroutine/function is to use it for something that you will use
more than once
, to save time typing it out over and over.

Before you start the lesson, play Lightbot for about 10 minutes, if it works. [Try this link if it doesn't.]You will need to use subroutines
or you won't have enough space to finish the game.

Lesson 5 Video - Subroutines



Split your screen using the Windows key and the left and right arrows. Put the lesson on one side
and the Interactive A.I. Programming Notebook on the other. Take notes to help you remember how to do the programming.
There are moveable pictures of the programming blocks on the notebook pages to help you.


Assignment 5 - choose one of the following (a OR b):

Choice (a):.............................................................Choice (b) is more challenging. Watch this first (it's old). Advanced Notes):......................................................................... Morse Code

Choice A .................choice b


Call me to see it and look at your program to get your grade, but ALSO TURN THE PROGRAM IN TO

Save it to a folder on OneDrive as subyourname.

To turn it in, look at the instructions below or watch this video.

  • Go to Google Drive
  • Open the AI Class Assignment folder in 'Shared with me'
  • Open your class folder and assignment folder
  • Click on the "New" button on the top left
  • Upload the program from your computer as subyourname



Write a Reflection on what you have learned.