


  Robotics 101 Camp



While we wait for everyone to arrive, let's go to the cafeteria

for the Dance Party!


1. Let's Build a Robot

.....You can add touch sensor, light sensor, and the gripper.


2. How can we make it move?


3. Make and Eat a Robot Snack

You will make a robot from a Rice Krispies Treat Body, with a Marshmallow head,
either pretzel arms and legs or cookie wheels, and a face or control buttons
made of mini M&Ms. You will stick this all together with icing.

Once you have eaten this, and cleaned up, you will learn the Programming Song.


4. Race time!

Program the robot to go as fast as you can on the race track.

Try different-sized wheels to see what a difference it makes.



5. How does the robot see the world?

Look at the robot sensors - touch, light, sound and obstacle detector.


Program the robot to move until the touch sensor is pressed then stop.


Use a loop to make it continuous.

Learn to stop at a black line.


Learn to follow a line.


5. Program the grabber to grab things and bring them home.

You'll might use this for the challenges.


5. Now you are ready to work on the Mars Challenges:

mars mat