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This is from Sooz in Abnaki Council"




Using a compass vs. GPS: I asked one of our local surveyors if they would be interested in coming to the camporee to teach the girls how to read a compass to the point that they can take location readings accurately then explain what a GPS is and how you use it. Also to explain the accuracy of a GPS vs a compass.


Photo album/autograph book craft project: this project was actually found on line at     


 How to lay a campfire, campfire cooking: We have someone (actually my Dad!!) who is going to show

the girls how to lay the logs, ignite, and maintain a campfire. He is also going to show the girls how to correctly cook over a fire as well as the differences between cooking with a camp stove, a reflector oven, and a backpacking stove.


Story telling with the "mystery bag": Each troop attending is going to be asked to bring 4 totally unrelated items (exa: toothbrush, cooking pot, screwdriver, and a rock which will all be labeled with the troop number) to put into a "bag" (probably actually a box). Each group (they are rotating in

groups of about 30 girls) needs to pull out 8 items out of the box then make up a story to tell during the campfire that uses each of those 8 items. It can either be using them as a prop or saying the word during the story. Each story needs to be no longer than 5 minutes and has to use EVERY girl in the group.


Mock crime scene (girls figure out "who done it"): The Penobscot County Sheriff's Dept. is going to set up their crime van, do some basic explanations on collecting evidence then they will let the girls go into a

"crime scene" that the Sheriff's put together. The girls need to use their heads and what they learned at the crime van to "solve" the crime.


Game Wardens & animal recognition, etc.: The local Game Wardens are going to come and teach the girls how to recognize which animal made which track as well as leaf recognition and some outdoor basics on being safe in the woods.  (Especially during hunting season!)


Cooperative Games Group Session: One of our Leaders is going to lead the entire group of girls (upwards of 300 if we fill up!) in different cooperative games. She works with "displaced" children (can't think of another descriptive word, sorry!) and has lots of experience dealing with children who need to learn to work together. Thought this would be a very good large group activity as we can pull individual groups out so they can make their s'mores before the actual campfire begins.


Bonfire (Saturday Evening): Just a normal bonfire where we sing camp songs, the groups do their stories that they made up earlier . We make the s'mores before the campfire so the girls can take their time and safety is not such a large issue with upwards of 300 girls trying to get to the fire! This way, it's only about 30 and much more manageable for their leaders!Scouts Own (Sunday Morning): We have a troop that volunteers to do a quiet morning ceremony (actually it is kinda like a church service without the religious terminology). They make up their own ceremony or they can use one already done by someone else.


Jaws of life demo & discussion: The local fire department is going to come and bring the Jaws of Life as well as a junked car. They are going to show the girls what's involved in extracting a person out of a vehicle with the Jaws of Life. They are also going to talk about the ways children can distract their parents while they are driving (nothing TOO intense, don't want to scare the children, just make them aware of it).


First aid - using what''s around you: The local EMT's are going to come to tell the girls what they can do if they are out in the woods hiking or camping and need to do first aid. Things like using a stiff branch and tube socks to make a "cast" to stabilize a limb.


Packwagon Scramble: This is the tough one to explain. But here goes: The Packwagon Scramble is actually a Boy Scout event (at least usually!). We did it for the first time last year at the first camporee.

The game begins by each troop/group beginning at a different station. The stations are set up like the spokes on a wagon wheel with the contact person standing in the middle of the wheel. You are given a card with the different stations in the order you are supposed to go to each station listed on it.

Each station gives you points depending on how well you did at that station. You will need at least one helper per station. The stations can be totally different from each other, patriotic (fold a flag, recite the Pledge of Allegiance, etc.) or physical (archery or obstacle course) but there are usually at least 10 stations. The girls, along with a leader, begin at their "home base" and run (NOT walk!) pushing or pulling (depending on which end they are on) a wagon that is used during some of the stations. They answer or do whatever is necessary at that first station then run past the contact person in the middle and tell them their score for that station. They then run back to their "home  base" where another group of girls from their group goes to the next station. (We try to have two teams per group at least so the girls can rest and prepare for their next station.)

It doesn't matter if you are the first group done as the places are awarded by the points and not on how quickly your group is done. We award first, second, and third places. You can probably contact your local Boy Scouts to see when they are doing  one next and go watch. That's what I did first. Made more sense to see it than to read about it. The girls LOVED it! They had a blast. We do it as the very last activity  before the closing ceremony. That way they are tired and not quite so noisy on the way home.


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