

What is it?

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Learning Goal: Describe the approaches and challenges involved with integrating artificial intelligence into robotics systems.

Daily Objective: Understand how A.I. is used in everyday life

Artificial Intelligence in Video Games



Information from Beanz Magazine




Other more complicated intelligent machines use a neural network which is like a mesh net with lots of
small lights on it. The human brain is a neural network with data from experience stored in different places.
Recalling a memory of your favorite food triggers some lights in the network in your brain but not all lights.
Figuring out how to create a neural network for a computer to use is a really interesting problem to solve.
Neural networks also harness the power of multiple computers to store vast amounts of data and provide processing power.

Google recently open sourced their Tensor Flow project code which makes it available to anyone interested
to experiment with neural network software and data sets. There are other data sets and software available for
programmers and researchers.